Find & Replace TEXT in PPT using VBA
Sub FindAndReplaceText()
Dim mySlide As slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim findWhat As String
Dim replaceWith As String
Dim ShpTxt As TextRange
Dim TmpTxt As TextRange
findWhat = "jackal"
replaceWith = "fox"
' Find and Find and Replace
For Each mySlide In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In mySlide.Shapes
If shp.Type = 17 Then ' msoTextBox = 17
Set ShpTxt = shp.TextFrame.TextRange
'Find First Instance of "Find" word (if exists)
Set TmpTxt = ShpTxt.Replace(findWhat, _
Replacewhat:=replaceWith, _
'Find Any Additional instances of "Find" word (if exists)
Do While Not TmpTxt Is Nothing
Set ShpTxt = ShpTxt.Characters(TmpTxt.Start + TmpTxt.Length, ShpTxt.Length)
Set TmpTxt = ShpTxt.Replace(findWhat, _
Replacewhat:=replaceWith, _
End If
Next shp
Next mySlide
End Sub